Linguistics Minor

Explore how language is learned and processed.

Put language under the microscope. Fully dissect it, not just grammatically or by syntax. Unravel meaning and examine phonetics. Study how language is acquired and how different segments of society treat spoken language. Take a look at the evolution of language and its importance in the computer age. This is what linguists do.

What will I learn?

The linguistics minor will help you to understand human communication in deep, insightful ways. You will learn to write and speak more effectively. You'll learn languages more fluently. You will study the process of language acquisition more thoroughly.

View Curriculum: Linguistics Minor

Program Highlights

Linguists investigate the sounds, the structures and meaning of human language. With this we can explore how language is learned and processed. You will analyze how language has evolved through time. You will learn how it is used in its social context. You may even focus on computation and linguistic analysis. Our minor is truly an interdisciplinary field!
  • Hands-On Learning

    Students in this program have great freedom. You may pursue projects that reflect your personal interests and professional goals.

    In the past, students have designed and completed a wide variety of projects.

    • Recently, one student designed an Arabic version of the game Scrabble. This project made statistical comparisons between English and Arabic spelling. The student analyzed the frequency of use for letters in each language.
    • Another student examined a dynamic of casual communication. The student studies how speakers tend to change the meaning of words that are synonymous with other words.
    • And yet another student studied linguistic social activism in Chile. The student investigated how terminology is purposely changed to achieve sociopolitical goals.

    You have the flexibility to pursue your own path.

  • Careers & Outcomes

    The skills acquired by studying linguistics can be beneficial in a variety of different fields. You might pursue professional fields including business, education, government and the non-profit sector. You may find a job as:
    • translator or interpreter.
    • marketing expert.
    • computer programmer.
    • data analyst.
    • speech pathologist.
    • language teacher.