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    Choral Scholarship Creates Community

    The Charleston Mens Chorus, founded in 1990 as a volunteer group, offers a community for male singers to sing with. Out of the group’s love for music has grown a desire to help younger singers follow that same passion. Learn more »

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Giving Impact

Philanthropia Spring 2024

Students are the essence of the College of Charleston, and donors who provide philanthropic support are a vital force in the College’s ability to offer a superior living and learning experience.

Philanthropia Fall 2023

Students are the essence of the College of Charleston, and donors who provide philanthropic support are a vital force in the College’s ability to offer a superior living and learning experience.

Philanthropia Spring 2023

Students are the essence of the College of Charleston, and donors who provide philanthropic support are a vital force in the College’s ability to offer a superior living and learning experience.

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Scholarship Recipient Profiles

Scholarships play a vital role in attracting and retaining some of the country’s most talented and motivated students. There is no better way to help shape the future of a promising student than through supporting a scholarship fund.

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By fallalumniweekend
Posted on 28 August 2017 | 7:02 pm


Follow your passion.

Each year, private support to the College of Charleston plays a critical role in preserving our place as one of the nation's best public liberal arts and sciences universities.

Philanthropy or the philanthropist at the College is not defined by the gift or the size of the gift. What matters is the belief, commitment and the desire to be an active part of the College’s future. Your support impacts every corner of our campus from scholarships to research funds for faculty, academic programs to cutting-edge technology.

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